Sunday, October 19, 2008

First Friends

This one girl from work, Emily, invited me about two weeks ago to go with her and her friends to this haunted house! I was scared shitless when she asked me to go to the haunted house, but I knew I couldn't pass up the opportunity of hanging out with someone! Specially since she's the first person to ask me to hangout with them outside of work. It was a BLAST! I'm so glad she invited me to go with them! There was about 9 other individuals and we first went to a Cider Mill! And I'm soo mad I didn't bring my camera! It was the MOST beautiful thing I'd ever seen! Ok so the 4 story building was kinda old and creepy, but the location was definately jaw dropping! Its fall, and so theres leaves leaving a thick blanket spreading across the ground; a mixture of red, orange, yellow, green, and brown leaves. There was also a tiny little creek between the mill and the parking area, so you have to cross this tiny cute bridge to get there. This old guy, kinda creepy might I say, gave us free cider! And boy did it taste DELISHISH! I never tasted Cider before, and it was soo sweet. Unfortunately the only thing I bought was a doughnut, but that was still tasty as well.

Then we headed to the haunted house! It was pretty funny, because the group I went with, there was this one girl, Emily, not my co-worker, and she would laugh at EVERYTHING! She'd scream for a second but then laugh, and her laugh was soo comforting, and it didn't make me get bad. But it was still scary, just I was thinking it was going to be REALLY scary, glad it wasn't. Oh and I can't forget this part! I knocked down a wall! LMFAO. That was so funny, I was trying to hurry everyone so they wouldn't know it was me. It was GREAT!

I can't wait to show, who ever comes visit me, that Mill! Although they'd probably visit me not in Fall because they have school, but I'm sure it'd still be amazing!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Movin to Michigan!

So I left Arizona the day after my neices birthday and came to Michigan. For schooling to become a vet! I already went to the community college and spoke with the counsilor and he said that registration doesnt start till Nov something. So I want to go next week on my day off and go back to the college =]

Ill write more when I have more time.